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Unreal Tournament FAQ
Last Updated on: 2000-09-16 01:43:52
This is where you will find useful information about Unreal Tournament for Linux.
The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about this game.
Please read these before e-mailing Loki Technical Support - Chances are your question is answered here too!
1. Introduction
- 1.1 How to use this FAQ
This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually,
or to view the entire FAQ at once. The full view is also suitable for printing.
This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.
- 1.2 Authors
The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing faqs@lokigames.com.
Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.
2. Requirements
- 2.1 What are the system requirements for this game?
Minimum system requirements:
Linux kernel version 2.2.X
Pentium II with 3D caccelerator card
64 RAM required (128 MB recommended)
Video card capable of 640x480 resolution
XFree86 3.3.5 or newer at 16bpp
OSS compatible sound card
Hard disk with at least 550 MB of space
- 2.2 Which Linux platforms does UT run on?
Unreal Tournament currently only runs on the x86 version of Linux.
There is not a version for PPC, SPARC, Alpha, or any non-x86-compatible processor at this time.
- 2.3 Does UT run on any non-Linux platforms?
Unreal Tournament is known to run under the Linux emulator included with FreeBSD.
Success has been reported with the Linux emulator under OpenBSD.
We provide Unreal Tournament for (x86) Linux, and that is the platform on which it is primarily tested.
We are not familiar with any Linux-emulation capabilities of other Unix platforms (Solaris, AIX, etc.) and we do not provide a version specific to these other platforms.
4. Installation
- 4.1 How do I install the game?
First, download the appropriate update patch from http://www.lokigames.com/products/ut/updates.php3.
If this is the first time you are installing Unreal Tournament, or if you are doing a complete re-install,
you will need to download a patch named ut-install-XXX.run (or for the Game of the Year edition,
ut-install-XXX-GOTY.run ). The XXX will indicate the version of UT (425, 428, 436, etc.).
If, however, you have the previous version installed (e.g. 425 when 428 came out, or 428 when 436 came out),
you can download the patch to the previous install (ut-patch-XXX.run ).
NOTE: we do not provide patches for versions prior to 425 -- if you have an existing 400, 400a, 402, or 413 install,
you will need to re-install from scratch.
Once you have the patch downloaded:
[ From the README: ]
Before starting the installation process with "sh ut-install-436.run"
you must have your Unreal Tournament CDROM in your CDROM drive and have
it mounted.
For example:
$ mount /mnt/cdrom
$ sh ut-install-436.run
- 4.2 Which installer should I use?
There are three possible files:
Use ut-install-436.run if you are doing a new installation from a UT retail CD (blue jewel case, blue CD).
Use ut-patch-436.run if you are updating a UT 428 retail installation.
This does NOT work on UT versions prior to 428. Do a new install instead.
Use ut-install-436-GOTY.run if you are doing a new installation using a Game of the Year CD (red jewel case, red CD).
Loki does not presently offer support for other UT packages ("Best of Infogrames", "Totally Unreal").
- 4.3 Can I specify the CD directory?
(Beginning with UT 428)
From the README:
If you want to install Unreal Tournament remotely you can use the
SETUP_CDROM environment variable to point to your CDROM drive.
For example:
$export SETUP_CDROM=/path/to/cdrom
$sh ut-install-428.run
- 4.4 Even after specifying the CD path, it still won't install, because it can't find the CD!
Please make certain that Joliet extensions are enabled in your kernel,
since the UT CD was burned using Joliet extensions for the long filenames, and that you are using the correct installer for your CD.
More information about the specific installers can be found here.
A quick test is to mount the UT CD and list the files on it.
If the filenames are all 8 characters or less, and contain tildes (~), then you do not have Joliet extensions enabled.
Please re-build your kernel and modules after enabling Joliet extensions under the iso9660/cd-rom file system.
Refer to your distribution's documentation (or the Linux Documentation Project at http://www.linuxdoc.org/) for instructions on re-compiling and installing your kernel.
If you are running SuperMount or an auto-mounter, you may need to manually un-mount and re-mount the CD prior to pressing "Retry".
You may also need to kill the associated daemons, in order to prevent them from confusing the CD detection.
- 4.5 Does the installer work under FreeBSD?
Yes. You may need to either specify the CD directory (see the question "Can I specify the CD directory?"),
or you may need to make certain that Joliet CD-ROM extensions are available.
The original UT CD uses the Joliet extensions for the long file names, and the files will not be detected, copied, and patched if they cannot be found.
You may also need to use the version of bash from /compat/linux/bin in order for the script itself to run.
- 4.6 How can I install umod files into the Linux version of UT?
- 4.7 After installing, I can't run the game. It always exits with a SIGIOT.
There are several possible SIGIOT problems/solutions.
First, if the SIGIOT occurs shortly after a line indicating an fread error ,
the UT data files did not install correctly.
If you have one available, please try installing from a different CD-ROM drive.
Not all drives can correctly handle the copy protection on the CD.
You should also check the md5sums of your CD against one of the lists at: http://www.lokigames.com/~heimdall/support/md5sums/. If the md5sums do not match, your drive is not reading the CD correctly. (ut-cd1.txt is for the original UT retail release, ut-goty-cd1.txt and ut-goty-cd2.txt are for the CDs of the Game of the Year edition.)
Second, if the SIGIOT occurs after an audio initilization, or if you upgraded UT from a previous install, you will need to rename your ~/.loki/ut/UnrealTournament.ini (if you want to carry over any customizations) and allow UT to re-create its own default UnrealTournament.ini .
Third, if you are trying to run the OpenGL renderer but you have not configured the drivers yourself, you will need to either configure your own OpenGL drivers (see our FAQs on the subject) or you will need to switch to the software renderer.
Finally, if you are installing using a Game of the Year CD, please make sure that you are using the correct installer.
The retail release (blue CD, blue CD jewel case inserts) uses ut-install-436.run , and the GOTY release (red CD, red CD jewel case inserts) uses ut-install-436-GOTY.run .
- 4.8 The game complains about a missing libesd.so. Where can I get that?
libesd.so is part of EsounD. You can download the project's files from http://www.tux.org/~ricdude/EsounD.html.
You do not have to have the esd service running to play the game, but the library does need to be present in order to run the game.
- 4.9 Installation appears to have been successful, but the game keeps complaining about a missing 'Entry' and exiting!
Under some circumstances (such as using an unsupported CD), the maps are not uncompressed during the installation.
The opening screen of Unreal Tournament is actually a map, called " Entry ", which should be named /usr/local/games/ut/Maps/Entry.unr
If this file is missing, the installation was not successful and you should make sure you are using the correct installer for your CD.
If, however, the file is present but is called Entry.unr.uz , it is still compressed.
Since the maps were not shipped on the retail Unreal Tournament in a compressed format, you are either trying to use a GOTY CD (or one of the other, currently unsupported, Unreal Tournament releases) with the regular installer, or the uncompression step failed.
If you have a number of .uz files in your Maps/ directory, you will need to uncompress them after the installation.
A description for doing so (particularly with non-GOTY compressed CDs, such as the "Totally Unreal" and "Best of Infogrames" packages) can be found at http://fenris.lokigames.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2664
See also here for information regarding which CDs are currently supported.
5. Display
- 5.1 The intro and sound are really choppy, and the game crashes when I hit ESC.
You are running in software OpenGL mode via Mesa. You will need to either install the correct OpenGL drivers for your video card,
use Glide if you have a Voodoo card, or switch to the built-in UT software renderer.
- 5.2 The game crashed and I can't switch back to my normal resolution using CTRL-ALT- +/-
After running "xvidtune -unlock" you can change resolutions normally.
- 5.3 I'm not getting any fog with the OpenGL renderer!
This is a known issue with UT 425 and has been fixed in 428.
- 5.4 Can I fix the menu corruption/black boxes instead of text in the menus?
This appears to occur with some OpenGL implementations.
In ~/.loki/ut/System/UnrealTournament.ini , change the value of UsePalette from 1 to 0, like so:
- 5.5 In OpenGL, the whole screen turns white whenever I'm hit, and I can't see anything!
Some of the Utah-GLX supported cards exhibit this behavior. The work-around is to set a variable in your ~/.loki/ut/System/UnrealTournament.ini .
Look for the section [SDLDrv.SDLClient] , and the variable ScreenFlashes . Change it to:
- 5.6 The 428 patch has really slowed the GL version down.
[The correct solution is to upgrade to UT 428a or UT 436, as the fix is included with that patch.
Please reference 5.10 for more information.]
[deprecated answer, left for maintenance reasons - do NOT use]:
Please download the following file: http://www.lokigames.com/~vogel/UT/SDLGLDrv.so and place it into your
/usr/local/games/ut/System directory (or the System directory under your install directory if different from the default).
This will clear up GL issues on several cards, including the G200, G400, and GeForce-based cards.
- 5.7 UT crashes on my (G200/G400/Voodoo) when I hit ESC to exit the opening movie.
Try setting the environment variable SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE to 0 prior to launching UT.
- 5.8 UT 428a gives me "Glide: Colorbuffers (2,3) failed, failing back ..." when I try to launch.
- 5.9 What does "The file '../System/Core' contains unrecognizable data" mean?
If, for some reason, UT decides to segfault, it will often dump a core file. This file ends up in the System directory.
The next time you start the game, UT will see this core file and attempt to load it, resulting in the "unrecognizable data " message, and a subsequent crash.
To fix this, simply remove the core file from '/path/to/your/install/directory/System/ ', and all should be fine.
- 5.10 The game displays very slowly/choppily, almost as if running in Mesa software mode, on my TNT/TNT2/GeForce.
From the UT 428a README.PATCH.428a :
UseTNT // workaround for TNT/TNT2 cards
Set this to one if you experience problem with your TNT/ TNT2 cards
This answer also applies to 436 and 436-GOTY.
Note that as of 436, all nVidia-based users should be using OpenGL instead of SDLGL.
You will need to edit your UnrealTournament.ini for this to take effect.
See 9.1 for information about selecting the correct renderer.
- 5.11 How can I change the display resolution of the game?
Normally, this is done from within the game using the Options menu.
However, for some video card/driver combinations, this may not work correctly.
In those cases, you may edit your ~/.loki/ut/System/UnrealTournament.ini file (and possibly the /usr/local/games/ut/System/UnrealTournament.ini file to make the global change for future users).
You will need to change some variables ( WindowedViewportX , WindowedViewportY , FullscreenViewportX , FullscreenViewportY ), in the [SDLDrv.SDLClient] section of the file.
So, for instance, if you wanted to run UT at 800x600, that portion of the file would look like:
Note that not all cards support all possible resolutions.
- 5.12 I just installed UT 436, and now the textures aren't showing up on my GeForce!
You will need to use the OpenGL renderer rather than the SDLGL renderer.
The default OpenGL setting is the SDLGL, which is supported on all OpenGL cards, but the UseS3TC=1 setting does not necessarily work.
The preferred renderer for nVidia GeForce cards is the OpenGLDrive , which can be configured by editing ~/.loki/ut/System/UnrealTournament.ini , by changing the lines:
to the following:
Note that the new OpenGL renderer has a separate configuration section ( OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice ) from the default SDLGL renderer ( SDLGLDrv.SDLGLRenderDevice ).
This means that you may need to re-set your UseTNT and UseS3TC settings in the new section.
8. Sound
- 8.1 I can't get any sound with an Aureal Vortex-based card!
First, you need to be using the new drivers from http://aureal.sourceforge.net/, rather than the older drivers from http://linux.aureal.com/
These drivers are much more complete.
Second, it has recently come to our attention that the 1.1.2 release of the drivers are no longer compatible with UT and/or OpenAL.
The 1.1.1 drivers are known to work correctly with UT, so you should drop back to 1.1.1 in order to run the game with sound.
From a fenris suggestion, for dealing with 2.4.x:
* Check out the cvs repository from sourceforge for the aureal driver with a -D
(date) tag of: '2000-09-09 04:14:42'. This fetches the file versions that most
closely resembel the original aureal source with fixes for 2.4.x (non-testX
* Edit the Makefile to point to the kernel include tree.
* make
* install -o root -g root -m 444 au8830.o
Support inquries should be addressed to support@lokigames.com.
FAQ's maintained by faqs@lokigames.com.

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