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Using the Loki Demo Launcher FAQ
Last Updated on: 2001-05-16 16:01:11

This is where you will find useful information about the Loki Demo Launcher. The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about this game. Please read these before e-mailing Loki Technical Support - Chances are your question is answered here too!

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 How to use this FAQ

    This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually, or to view the entire FAQ at once. The full view is also suitable for printing.

    This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.

  • 1.2 Authors

    The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.

2. Installation

  • 2.1 How do I install the demo launcher?

    Download the file from This is a self-extracting setup program, which will then launch the installer when you run it.

    This file can be executed with:


    Note that if you do not have loki_uninstall and loki_update installed, those will be installed first. While they are not absolutely necessary to run the launcher, loki_update is the preferred method for adding new demos, and loki_uninstall makes uninstalling individual demos much, much easier.

    NO DEMOS ARE INSTALLED WITH THE LAUNCHER. loki_update will be launched at the end of the installation (and it will probably update itself) to offer you a choice of demos to download and install into the launcher.

  • 2.2 Do I have to be logged in as root to install the demo launcher?

    No, but you do have to have write privileges to /usr/local/games/Loki_Demos (or wherever you choose to install the game).

3. Updates

  • 3.1 Where can I download updates for the demo launcher?

    The easiest way to update the launcher is to run the demo launcher as the user who installed it, and click on the "Update Demos" icon. Alternatively, you can run loki_update (as the user who installed the demo launcher), and choose "Loki Demo Pack".

    Select the update or updates you would like to apply.

  • 3.2 How can I add demos to the launcher?

    The easiest way to update the launcher is to run the demo launcher as the user who installed it, and click on the "Update Demos" icon. Alternatively, you can run loki_update (as the user who installed the demo launcher), and choose "Loki Demo Pack". Note that loki_update has to be in your path for this button to appear. Not all distributions add the default directory of /usr/local/bin to the path, in which case you will need to consult your distribution's documentation in order to add it to the path.

    Once you have done so, you will be presented with the available demos. Choose the demo or demos you would like to download.

  • 3.3 Can I add demos without using loki_update?

    Yes. Download the appropriate demo from a mirror of our updates site. All of the demos are stored in updates/loki_demos, as separate files. Simply download that file, and run it as the user who installed the demo launcher. So, it might look something like:
    This will detect the existing loki_demos install and add the component. Note that you have to have already installed the demo launcher.

    Alternately, you can download the contents of updates/loki_demos (including updates.txt) to some convenient medium, and run loki_update with:

        loki_update --update_url /path/to/the/saved/updates.txt
    If you then select "Loki Demo Pack" from the updater, you can install any of the demos straight from that location.

  • 3.4 Can I add demos, using loki_update, but without an Internet connection?

    Yes, but you will still need an Internet connection to fetch the demos. Download the demo or demos you would like from a mirror of our updates site. All of the demos are stored in updates/loki_demos, as separate files. Simply download the file or files (and the matching .md5 and .txt files), and put them on some appropriate medium (such as burning them on a CD). You will also need the updates.txt file from the updates/loki_demos directory.

    You can then mount the CD or other medium (for the sake of an example, we'll assume it will be mounted at /mnt/cdrom), and launch loki_update with:

        loki_update --update_url /mnt/cdrom/updates.txt
    If you then select "Loki Demo Pack" from the updater, you can install any of the demos straight from that medium.

  • 3.5 Is there anywhere else I can get more information about downloading and updating demos?

    Since the Demo Launcher uses loki_update to download and install the demos, the Loki Update Tool FAQ also applies.

4. DemoCD

5. Contact

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