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Tribes 2 FAQ
Last Updated on: 2001-07-20 13:22:35
This is where you will find useful information about Tribes 2.
The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about this game.
Please read these before e-mailing Loki Technical Support - Chances are your question is answered here too!
1. Introduction
- 1.1 How to use this FAQ
This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually, or to view the entire FAQ at once.
The full view is also suitable for printing.
This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.
- 1.2 Authors
The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing
Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.
2. Requirements
- 2.1 What are the system requirements for the game?
The system requirements for the client are:
Minimum system requirements:
Linux kernel version 2.2.X or 2.4.X
Pentium class processor 300 MHz (500 MHz recommended)
64 MB RAM required (128 MB recommended)
glibc 2.1
Supported 3D accelerator card
XFree86 version 4.0.2 or newer
OSS compatible sound card
Hard disk drive with 600 MB of available space
The system requirements for the server are:
Minimum system requirements:
Linux kernel version 2.2.X or 2.4.X
Pentium 300 or faster
glibc 2.1
32 MB RAM required (64 MB recommended)
Hard disk drive with 500 MB of available space
- 2.2 Does Tribes 2 use 3D acceleration?
Yes. In fact, the game is unplayable without hardware acceleration.
- 2.3 What 3D accelerators are supported?
The short answer is "anything recent, that works well under Linux." For practical purposes, this most likely means one of the following:
- 3Dfx Voodoo 3, Voodoo 5 (with DRI)
- ATI Rage 128, Rage 128 Pro, Radeon (with DRI)
- nVidia TNT 2 Ultra, GeForce (any) (with nVidia's drivers)
Earlier cards are pushed to the limit (and beyond) and will likely not provide a sufficiently smooth playing experience.
Note that, under Linux, drivers may advertise features which are implemented as software fallbacks (e.g. GL_BLEND on certain cards), which may cause performance to degrade.
- 2.4 Which hardware platforms are supported by Tribes 2?
Tribes 2 is currently only available for X86 Linux.
- 2.5 Does the game run from CD?
No. The data files need to be installed in order for the game to run.
5. Installation
- 5.1 How do I install the game?
- Mount the CD-ROM using the "
mount " command. If you are unsure how this works, please check the documentation for your Linux distribution. Generally, the format for mounting a CD-ROM under Linux is similar to:
mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
- Under X11, enter the command "
sh [Mounted CD-ROM Path]/ ". Be sure to replace the [Mounted CD-ROM Path] portion of this command with the correct path for the mounted CD-ROM. In the example above, the command would be:
sh /mnt/cdrom/
- Under "Global Options":
- Enter the directory into which the game should be installed in the Install path: box. In the box labeled "Binary directory", enter a directory in your
$PATH where a symbolic link for the binary should be set up. Make sure you have write permissions in both of these directories.
- Under "Install Options":
- You must install "Base Install" (the basic game files).
- Below the Install Options, the installer will display how much space is left on your partition, and how much the game will use per the options selected (510 MB for everything).
- Check in the box for KDE/Gnome menu items if you would like them installed.
- You may view the game README at this point if you wish, by clicking on "View Readme". Otherwise, click on "Begin Install" to begin the copying of files.
- When the game has finished installing, you may choose either to launch it directly (click on "Play!") or to simply exit and run the game from the console.
- To run the game generally, just type "
tribes2 " from the console (you shouldn't have to enter the complete path). If you chose to install desktop icons, and you are running one of the desktops, you will be able to launch the game from the installed icons.
- 5.2 Do I have to be logged in as root to install the game?
No, but you do have to have write privileges to /usr/local/games (or wherever you choose to install the game).
- 5.3 I'm getting "unexpected dual textured mode encountered".
You are likely using the Mesa + Glide 2 combination under XFree86 3.3.x with Tribes 2.
This is an unsupported configuration, as this combination is known to be insufficient to run the game.
You will need to install XFree86 4.0.x and a current version of DRI, e.g. XFree86 4.0.3 + current DRI CVS, or XFree86 4.1.0.
- 9.1 How can I unlock the mouse if I'm running in windowed mode?
The Linux version includes a built-in binding to Ctrl-G (the Loki common keybinding), which will grab and un-grab the mouse.
- 9.2 How can I switch from full screen to windowed mode?
You can use Alt-Enter (the Loki common keybinding) to switch modes.
Note that not all drivers support this well, so you may experience difficulties with certain video card and driver combinations.
- 9.3 How can I bind a key to take a screenshot?
PrintScreen should already be bound to take screenshots, but if it is not (or if you have rebound the key),
you can add the following to your ~/.loki/tribes2/base/prefs/MyConfig.cs :
GlobalActionMap.bind(keyboard, "f11", doScreenShot);
which will bind F11 to take screenshots.
The resulting files will be in ~/.loki/tribes2
Note that some configurations re-map the PrintScreen key to return a different code, and this key is not presently recognized.
You can check the values with xev .
(Tribes 2 expects 0xff61 )
This can be mapped with the following:
xmodmap -e "keycode 111 = 0xff61"
12. Server
- 12.1 Where can I get the Linux server?
If you have the Linux version of the game, it was installed as part of the installation process.
The file is tribes2d , and it can be found in your Tribes 2 installation directory.
If you have the Windows version of the game, you will need to download the Tribes 2 Dedicated Server installer,
The file you want is and it will install using the data files from the Windows CD.
This server-only installation does not include the Linux client.
If you would like to run the client under Linux, you will need to purchase Tribes 2 for Linux.
- 12.2 Do I need to buy one copy per server?
We won't object! However, you can run multiple servers from the same copy.
So, you should only need one copy of Tribes 2 in order to run as many servers as you would like.
(Note that you do need at least one CD, for the data files.)
- 12.3 The server install isn't recognizing my Windows CD!
The Windows CD uses Joliet extensions, and the kernel default is to not support these.
In addition, a number of distributions are known to ship with kernels which do not support the Joliet extensions.
The first thing to check is to make certain that the CD is showing directories like
AT&T and EmpireEarth and not at_t and empire~1 .
If the latter is the case, you will need to re-build your kernel with Joliet extensions enabled.
If the CD is mounted correctly, and it is not a filename issue, then the most likely problem is an automounter or SuperMount-like configuration.
In this case, try unmounting and remounting the CD, and hopefully it will then detect the CD.
If this still does not work, use the SETUP_CDROM variable to point to the files, e.g.:
export SETUP_CDROM /mnt/cdrom
- 12.4 How do I set a multihomed server to run with a specific IP address?
You can bind to a specific IP with:
$Host::BindAddress = "";
in ~/.loki/tribes2/base/prefs/ServerPrefs.cs
- 12.5 Do I need to have the CD in the drive when running a server?
No, the CD is only necessary during the installation, for copying the data files.
Once the server is installed, the CD is no longer necessary for operation.
- 12.6 Can I launch the dedicated server, using a different preferences file?
Yes. Use the -serverprefs option, e.g.:
tribes2d -dedicated -bots 0 -serverprefs prefs/customPrefs.cs Katabatic CTF
Note that the preferences file needs to be in ~/.loki/tribes2/base , with the remainder of the path being specified.
- 12.7 After updating the server, it seems that some of the changes haven't taken.
Since the scripts are compiled into an intermediary format at run-time,
you may need to remove the cached copies of these pre-compiled scripts.
This can be done by running the following as the userid running the server:
cd ~/.loki/tribes2
rm `find . -name *.cs.dso`
- 12.8 The server starts, but just exits!
If you run the server, and see only the following:
$ ./tribes2d -dedicated -bots 0 Katabatic CTF
Dedicated server by:
Loki Software, Inc.
then the server is unable to resolve the Tribes 2 authentication servers when registering the server with the master lists.
You will need to check your network configuration, and make sure the server ports (28000 UDP and TCP) are not blocked.
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