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Soldier Of Fortune FAQ
Last Updated on: 2000-09-20 09:50:17
This is where you will find useful information about Soldier of Fortune.
The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about this game.
Please read these before e-mailing Loki Technical Support - Chances are your question is answered here too!
1. Introduction
- 1.1 How to use this FAQ
This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually, or to view the entire FAQ at once.
The full view is also suitable for printing.
This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.
- 1.2 Authors
The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing
Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.
5. Display
- 5.1 How do I tell Soldier of Fortune which libGL to use?
Launch Soldier of Fortune with the following command-line:
sof +set gl_driver /path/to/your/preferred/
(specifying the correct path in place of the placeholder, of course)
- 5.2 Why is the game running very, very slowly, and the mouse is very choppy?
You are probably running the game using software GL rendering.
You must have your 3D card configured for hardware accelerated rendering.
Updated information on supported 3D cards and drivers is available at: 3ddriverandopenglassistfaq.html
- 5.3 Some of the doors are showing up transparent!
This is a known issue with certain versions of Mesa and certain hardware.
For 3Dfx-based boards, this is fixed in Mesa 3.3 and Mesa 3.2.1, which can be fetched from the Mesa CVS repository.
For Utah-GLX boards, this may be fixed in the current CVS tree.
- 5.4 Where can I get a working for my Voodoo card and XFree86 3.3.x without compiling Mesa?
- 5.5 Where can I get a working Utah-GLX and for my ATI Rage Pro, Matrox G200, or Matrox G400 and XFree86 3.3.x without compiling them?
If you do not want to or can not compile Mesa and Utah-GLX for your XFree86 3.3.x configuration, we have provided an unsupported and for download.
You can find the files at
These files are provided "as is" and are not supported in any way.
- 5.6 It renders very slowly on my Voodoo Banshee. Can I fix this?
Starting with the 1.05 patch (available from, you can add " +set gl_ext_multitexture 0 " to the command-line to disable the multi-texture extension:
sof +set gl_ext_multitexture 0
You can also set the environment variable FX_DONT_FAKE_MULTITEX , e.g.
By default, Mesa will advertise the functionality and provide it in software, which causes a noticable slowdown.
7. Miscellaneous
- 7.1 There was no CD-Key/Serial Number in the game package. What can I do?
First, check to make sure that you are looking in the right place.
The CD-Key should be printed on the CD jewel case insert, in the section entitled "This is your product serial number".
However, printing errors can occur during production, and this field could have been accidentally left blank.
So, we make the following recourse available:
If you mail us the CD insert with the blank serial number, we will mail you a replacement.
Our mailing address is:
Loki Entertainment Software
attn: Technical Support
250 El Camino Real, Suite 100
Tustin, CA 92780
If you include a note with your e-mail address with the CD Insert, we will e-mail you the S/N as we mail it so your downtime is kept to a minimum.
- 7.2 How do I get to the console?
The console is disabled by default. Start Soldier of Fortune with " +set console 1 " to enable the console, e.g.:
sof +set console 1
The console is only available in-game (i.e., not in the menu system). You can access it by pressing the '~ ' key during play.
- 7.3 Where do demo files go? Where should I put them to play?
Demo files are written to ~/.loki/sof/demos/. If you would like to play a demo it should be there.
You can play demos by running Soldier of Fortune like so:
sof +set console 1 +demomap <demoname>
- 7.4 What are the MD5 sums for the PAK files?
The MD5 sums for pak0.pak and pak1.pak are in the README. They are provided here as a convenience:
17c96b05bbfb1f3d7358eee97a908a7f /usr/local/games/sof/base/pak0.pak
f3e346b36a66b7a78ea842172f7c4728 /usr/local/games/sof/base/pak1.pak
The MD5 sum for pak2.pak (included with the v1.05 patch) is:
295c0c6665ee59f5f7caeb0d5b325c60 /usr/local/games/sof/base/pak2.pak
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