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Rune and Rune: Halls of Valhalla FAQ
Last Updated on: 2001-10-31 11:33:38
This is where you will find useful information about Rune and the expansion pack
Rune: Halls of Valhalla.
The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about this game.
Please read these before e-mailing Loki Technical Support - Chances are your question is answered here too!
1. Introduction
- 1.1 How to use this FAQ
This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually, or to view the entire FAQ at once.
The full view is also suitable for printing.
This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.
- 1.2 Authors
The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing
Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.
2. Requirements
- 2.1 What are the system requirements for the game?
Minimum system requirements:
Linux kernel version 2.2.X
Pentium II with 3D accelerator card
64 MB RAM required (128 MB recommended)
(512M combined RAM plus swap required)
Video card capable of 640x480 resolution
XFree86 3.3.5 or newer at at least 16bpp
OSS compatible sound card
Hard disk with at least 700 MB of space
Internet connection for Internet play
This product supports 3D accelerators through OpenGL. Consult 3ddriverandopenglassistfaq.html for the latest news on drivers and installation.
You absolutely need a combined 512M RAM + swap or you will not be able to play the game.
If you do not have an adequate swap partition, please see the manpages for mkswap and swapon to add temporary swap space.
- 2.2 Does the game use 3D acceleration?
Yes. Rune has both a Glide 2 renderer (for 3Dfx cards, with XFree86 3.3.5 and 3.3.6) and an OpenGL renderer
(for XFree86 3.3.x and Utah-GLX, XFree86 4.0.x and DRI or the nVidia drivers, and for Xi Graphics' Accelerated-X).
- 2.3 Does the game support Esound?
Rune has native support for esound.
- 2.4 Do I really need all that memory set up?
YES. Rune is very content-rich, and (to keep it playable) the data is all cached.
In addition, changes to the 2.4 virtual memory system have upped the requirements, by effectively mapping physical RAM into the first block of swap*.
You must have a minimum of 512M of combined physical RAM plus effective swap to play the game.
You can use the commands mkswap and swapon to create additional swap post-install.
Please reference the man pages before using these programs, if mis-used they can damage your filesystem.
* Basically, the new algorithm speeds up swapping in, but you lose a chunk from swap equal to your physical RAM.
So, if you have 128M of RAM, the first 128M of swap is a mirror for that 128M of RAM.
Thus, you need a minimum of a 256M swapfile to even be able to take advantage of having swap, and you'll want at least 384M of swap when using memory intensive programs.
For Rune, we would recommend having 512M of swap on this configuration.
5. Installation
- 5.1 How do I install the game?
- Mount the CD-ROM using the "
mount " command. If you are unsure how this works, please check the documentation for your Linux distribution. Generally, the format for mounting a CD-ROM under Linux is similar to:
mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
- Under X11, enter the command "
sh [Mounted CD-ROM Path]/ ". Be sure to replace the [Mounted CD-ROM Path] portion of this command with the correct path for the mounted CD-ROM. In the example above, the command would be:
sh /mnt/cdrom/
- Under "Global Options":
- Enter the directory into which the game should be installed in the Install path: box. In the box labeled "Binary directory", enter a directory in your
$PATH where a symbolic link for the binary should be set up. Make sure you have write permissions in both of these directories.
- Under "Install Options":
- You must install "Base Install" (the basic game files).
- Below the Install Options, the installer will display how much space is left on your partition, and how much the game will use for the options selected (700M is required).
- Check in the box for KDE/Gnome menu items if you would like them installed.
- You may view the game README at this point if you wish, by clicking on "View Readme". Otherwise, click on "Begin Install" to begin the copying of files.
- When the game has finished installing, you may choose either to launch it directly (click on "Play!") or to simply exit and run the game from the console.
- To run the game generally, just type "
rune " from the console (you shouldn't have to enter the complete path). If you chose to install desktop icons, and you are running one of the desktops, you will be able to launch the game from the installed icons.
- 5.2 Do I have to be logged in as root to install the game?
No, but you do have to have write privileges to /usr/local/games
(or wherever you choose to install the game).
- 5.3 Can I install custom maps for multiplayer play?
Yes. You can copy them into your global rune/maps directory,
or you can save them on a per-user basis in ~/.loki/rune/Maps
6. Updates
- 6.1 Where can I download the update patches?
zzz does not currently have any patches. Should any updates be released, they will be announced, linked to from,
and this answer will be changed to reflect their location.
Should any updates be released, they can be automatically fetched and applied using loki_update (if it is installed),
or 'rune -u ' (which also requires loki_update to be installed).
7. Display
- 7.1 How do I tell Rune which libGL to use?
You can choose the OpenGL library Rune uses by specifying the path to it in your Rune.ini (located in ~/.loki/rune/System ):
- 7.2 The game displays very slowly/choppily, almost as if running in Mesa software mode, on my TNT/TNT2/GeForce.
You may need to use the UseTNT setting to work around slowdowns in some versions of the nVidia drivers on some cards.
You will need to configure it like this:
UseTNT=1 // workaround for TNT/TNT2 cards
This applies primarily for some TNT, TNT2, and TNT2 Ultra cards.
You will need to edit this in your ~/.loki/rune/System/Rune.ini for each affected user.
You can also modify the global file in the Rune installation, but this will only be copied over for each user the first time the game is run.
- 7.3 Why is the game running very, very slowly, and the mouse is very choppy?
You are probably running the game using software GL rendering.
You must have your 3D card configured for hardware accelerated rendering.
Updated information on supported 3D cards and drivers is available at:
- 7.4 How can I change the display resolution of the game?
Normally, this is done from within the game using the Options menu.
However, for some video card/driver combinations, this may not work correctly.
In those cases, you may edit your ~/.loki/rune/System/Rune.ini file (and possibly the /usr/local/games/rune/System/Rune.ini file to make the global change for future users).
You will need to change some variables ( WindowedViewportX , WindowedViewportY , FullscreenViewportX , FullscreenViewportY ), in the [SDLDrv.SDLClient] section of the file.
So, for instance, if you wanted to run Rune at 1024x768, that portion of the file would look like:
Note that not all cards support all possible resolutions.
8. Sound
- 8.1 Why I don't hear any sound?
First be sure that you have sound support compiled into your kernel and that you have installed an OSS supported sound card.
Next, make sure that you have read/write permissions to /dev/dsp ( chmod a+rw /dev/dsp ).
If sound still doesn't work, contact your Linux distributor for more assistance.
Once sound is properly installed on your system, Rune will use it automatically.
There is no need to do any sound configuration within the game itself.
Some desktop environments will grab the sound device.
KDE uses artsd and GNOME uses esd
In both cases, you will need to make sure that the program in question does not currently control the device.
- 8.2 I can't get any sound with an Aureal Vortex-based card!
First, you need to be using the new drivers from, rather than the older drivers from
These drivers are much more complete.
Second, it has recently come to our attention that the 1.1.2 release of the drivers are no longer compatible with UT and/or OpenAL.
The 1.1.1 drivers are known to work correctly with UT, so you should drop back to 1.1.1 in order to run the game with sound.
Support inquries should be addressed to
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