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Railroad Tycoon 2: Gold Edition FAQ
Last Updated on: 2000-09-24 10:53:09

This is where you will find useful information about Railroad Tycoon 2. The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about this game. Please read these before e-mailing Loki Technical Support - Chances are your question is answered here too!

1. Introduction

2. Requirements

3. Interoperability

4. Demo

5. Installation

6. Updates

7. Display

8. Sound

9. Networking

10. Gameplay

11. Miscellaneous

12. Contact

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 How to use this FAQ

    This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually, or to view the entire FAQ at once. The full view is also suitable for printing.

    This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.

  • 1.2 Authors

    The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.

2. Requirements

3. Interoperability

4. Demo

  • 4.1 Where can I get the Railroad Tycoon 2 demo version?

    The Railroad Tycoon 2 demo is available through our Demo Launcher (

  • 4.2 What are the system requirements? Any different than the requirements for the full commercial version?

    The requirements listed for the full commercial version of the game are the same as those for the demo, except that the demo requires only 85+ MB of hard disk space, as opposed to 170+ for the full commercial version.

    Minimum system requirements:
    Linux kernel 2.2.x
    GNU C Libraries (glibc) 2.x
    Pentium class processor
    4-speed CD-ROM drive
    16 MB RAM
    85 MB free disk space
    XFree86 3.2.x or newer
    8-bit or 16-bit color
    Video card capable of
    1024x768 resolution
    SVGA monitor
    /dev/dsp compatible sound device
    (Enlightenment Sound Daemon
    also supported)

  • 4.3 How do I install the demo? Any tricks?

    1. Pull down the archive from one of our mirrors
    2. Go to the directory in which you would like to install the demo. Make sure that you have write permissions to the directory. (ex. cd /usr/local/games)
    3. Unpack the archive (ex. if you downloaded the archive into your home directory: sh ~/ A new "rt2_demo" directory should have been created.
    4. To run the game, just go to the new game directory and type "./rt2_demo" (or create symbolic links, or add the rt2_demo directory to your path).

  • 4.4 Any known problems with the demo?

    The only major problem that we're aware of is that the game crashes when you try to enter sandbox mode (which should have been disabled for the demo anyway).

  • 4.5 Is the demo supported at all?

    We don't offer telephone or e-mail support for the demo version, but we do want to take care of any problems/bugs that might exist, so we would be grateful if anyone experiencing problems would report those on our bug server/database. And, of course, our on-line resources (including this one) are available on our support page.

5. Installation

  • 5.1 How do I install the game?

    1. Mount the CD-ROM using the "mount" command. If you are unsure how this works, please check the documentation for your Linux distribution. Generally, the format for mounting a CD-ROM under Linux is similar to:
          mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    2. Under X11, enter the command "sh [Mounted CD-ROM Path]/". Be sure to replace the [Mounted CD-ROM Path] portion of this command with the correct path for the mounted CD-ROM. In the example above, the command would be:
          sh /mnt/cdrom/
    3. Under "Global Options":
      • Enter the directory into which the game should be installed in the Install path: box. In the box labeled Binary directory, enter a directory in your $PATH where a symbolic link for the binary should be set up. Make sure you have write permissions in both of these directories.
    4. Under "Install Options":
      • You must install "Base Install" (the basic game files). You may choose to leave the Campaigns and the corresponding movie files on the CD. If you wish to write these files to your hard drive, click in the corresponding boxes.
      • Below the Install Options, the installer will display how much space is left on your partition, and how much the game will use per the options selected (181 MB just for the base install).
      • Check in the box for KDE/Gnome menu items if you would like them installed.
    5. You may view the game README at this point if you wish, by clicking on "View Readme". Otherwise, click on "Begin Install" to begin the copying of files.
    6. When the game has finished installing, you may choose either to launch it directly (click on "Play!") or to simply exit and run the game from the console.
    7. To run the game generally, just type "rt2" from the console (you shouldn't have to enter the complete path).

  • 5.2 Do I have to be logged in as root to install the game?

    No, but you do have to have write privileges to /usr/local/games (or wherever you install the game).

  • 5.3 After I install the game, it won't start, and gives me a "Segmentation Fault" error. I can't run the game at all.

    Chances are, you're running a Soundblaster Live! card with the beta drivers from Creative Labs. If you update to the current drivers, this problem should be resolved.

  • 5.4 How do I set my path so that it can access the game directory?

    export PATH=$PATH:[installation directory] (replacing [installation directory] with the actual path to the installation, of course)

6. Updates

  • 6.1 Where can I download the updates?

    The 1.54c patch is available through loki_update (

    There is a 1.54b patch/installer for the PPC version (which requires the retail CD for the installation), available at

  • 6.2 What problems are addressed in these patches?

    • Fixed hang when switching desktops in XFree86 4.0.
    • Fixed swapped second century campaign movies.
    • Fixed cargo loading on PowerPC.
    • Fixed winning conditions in the Geocore campaign.
    • Fixed typos in Brazil and Seattle Metro scenarios.
    • The mouse is no longer placed in direct mode (DGA).
    • Activated the voice-overs when you break windows.
    • Save games and edited maps are now saved compressed, if the --compress or -z command line option is used.
    • Fixed crash when the AI is creating companies.
    • The server IP address is now properly used in finding network games.
    • You can now network with more than 2 players.
    • Defaults to fullscreen by default; the new fullscreen code does not require root privileges anymore, and should work on any XFree86 and compatible X11 server with at least the 1024x768 video mode defined in the XF86Config file. Use the Alt-Enter hotkey at any time to switch between fullscreen and windowed modes.
    • Proper CDROM detection on systems using supermount (Mandrake)
    • CD-ROM volume settings are now saved between games
    • The CD-ROM is now detected if it is mounted while the game is playing.
    • Initial PPC port work by TerraSoft (available in a separate archive). This port does not support networking with other versions of the game.


    • Fixed splash screen appearing over main menu in fullscreen mode
    • Fixed 32-bit fullscreen blitting crash (new optimized C blitters)
    • Now clears screen during campaign videos
    • Fixes campaign map corruption for maps 08 through 15
    • Fixed X shutdown when the game crashes and is started from menu

  • 6.3 How do I apply the updates?

    Just run the script. It will autodetect your installation, and modify/add the files it needs to. It doesn't matter where the script is in your filesystem when you run it. It doesn't have to be in the game directory.
    NOTE: You don't have to be logged in as root to run the upgrade, but you do need to have write permissions to the game directory and files. (It's a good idea to run the upgrade script logged in as the same user under which you installed the game.)

7. Display

  • 7.1 How do I keep Window Manager Task Bars from getting in my way when playing the game?

    The power and flexibility of the Linux window managers makes them very nice for the user. Unfortunately they make the user interface completely non-standard. There's no way to tell beforehand what keys are remapped, no way to tell whether or not your window has decorations, etc.

    Here are suggestions for some of the major window managers:

    • In KDE, open the panel-setup with:
      K -> panel -> configure
      then, select the panel tab, set taskbar to hidden, click ok. Now the taskbar is gone, only the panel is on top of the game. It can be minimized, by clicking on the small black triangle on the left (or top) side of the panel. You can also open the configuration screen by right-clicking the panel bar and selecting "configure" from the pop-up menu.
    • If you're running an FVWM based window manager and running the game at your full screen size, but the title bars don't disappear, add the line MWMDecorHints to your window manager initialization file. This is known to work with AfterStep and FVWM.
    • In GNOME, set the panel to autohide.
    • With some distributions, you can also start X with "xinit" rather than "startx", so that you're not using a window manager at all. Or you can run the X server in a different resolution so that the game won't run full screen. (See this answer.)

  • 7.2 Does the game have GNOME or KDE support (adding itself to task bars, etc)?

    Just make sure the box next to "Desktop menu items (KDE/Gnome)" in the setup screen is selected, and the game will add itself to the KDE/Gnome menu during the installation.

  • 7.3 How can I iconify the game and have it run in the background?

    Typing CNTL-z iconifies the game. When the game is iconified, it is paused and uses very little CPU time.

  • 7.4 How can I change my screen size? Is it possible to run RT2 in a window rather than at full screen size?

    RT2 always runs at 1024x768. If you want it to display in a window (and be able to see the whole window at once), you need to be running X at a higher resolution, such as 1152x864, 1280x1024, or 1600x1200.

    If there is no video mode for 1024x768 defined in your X configuration, RT2 will not be able to switch to full-screen, and it will run windowed by default.

    Alternatively, you can run RT2 with the command-line

        rt2 -w
    to force it into windowed mode.

  • 7.5 How can I get the game to play fullscreen if I'm not logged in as root?

    For the version that was shipped:

    If you're running in 1024x768 resolution, the game will use the whole screen. If you want the game to use the DGA extensions to switch to fullscreen, run the game as root. DGA fullscreen allows slightly better performance by writing to /dev/mem directly, rather than going through X buffers. To allow non-root access to this, you need to put yourself in a trusted group and give the group access to /dev/mem.

    NOTE: This is a security risk and should not be used on machines where security is important.

    For the patched version:

    Due to updates to SDL, DGA is no longer required to run full-screen. If you are running as someone other than root, you will be able to switch to 1024x768 fullscreen without having access to /dev/mem, provided X has been configured to include a 1024x768 mode.

  • 7.6 When I try to scroll with the mouse, I have a hard time scrolling up and down, as my hidden task bars keep getting in the way. What can I do?

    In addition to scrolling with the mouse, you can also scroll with the arrow keys. Also, with a three button mouse, pressing the middle button and dragging will scroll the screen around.

  • 7.7 How can I maximize graphics speed when running the game?

    There are a couple of tricks that will speed things up for you:
    • X should be run in 16-bit color for those who wish to speed up graphics. Using 24- or 32-bit color forces X to convert 16-bit images to 32-bit before it displays them -- a severe penalty for MHz challenged machines. You can make sure you're running in 16-bit color by starting x with "startx -- -bpp 16".
    • Run it without a window manager or desktop environment (if you aren't already). Basically replace what is in your .xinitrc with this one line: /usr/local/games/RT2/rt2 (or whatever path you put rt2 in). You might want to back up your old .xinitrc just in case.
    • Later on in the game it can help a lot to play with some of the game settings. Click on the "Control Panel" icon on the left side of the screen, then click "Graphics", and turn some of the settings down. It will also help to make sure that "Color Mouse Cursor" and "Grid Lines" are turned off on the main control panel screen.

8. Sound

9. Networking

10. Gameplay

11. Miscellaneous

  • 11.1 Video Memory Protecting

    This isn't really an error. The X Direct Graphics Access drivers are just verbose about resetting the graphics modes, which it does just to be safe even if they haven't changed.

    Since the updates no longer use DGA to set full-screen, this message should not be appearing after the patches have been applied.

  • 11.2 The saved games take up a lot of space. Is there some way of compressing them?

    You can, of course, compress them manually (they are located in ~/.loki/rt2/games), but the game will not be able to read them directly.

    However, starting with version 1.54c, RT2 includes the commandline --compress (abbreviation: -z), which will cause the saved games to be compressed. Note that you do not need to specify this in order to read compressed saved games, but it does dictate whether the games are written compressed.

    By using this option, your saved games will not be compatible with other platforms (e.g. Windows), just with other Linux RT2 players.

12. Contact

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