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Myth 2: Soulblighter FAQ
Last Updated on: 2000-09-16 01:43:22

This is where you will find useful information about Myth 2: Soulblighter. There are answers to the frequently asked questions which may answer some of your questions.

1. Introduction

2. Requirements

3. Interoperability

4. Demo

5. Installation

6. Updates

7. Display

8. Networking

9. Miscellaneous

10. Contact

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 How to use this FAQ

    This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually, or to view the entire FAQ at once. The full view is also suitable for printing.

    This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.

  • 1.2 Authors

    The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.

2. Requirements

3. Interoperability

4. Demo

  • 4.1 Where can I get the Myth 2 demo version?

    The Myth 2 demo is available through our Demo Launcher (

    Note that the demo includes the OpenGL renderer, but not the Glide renderer.

  • 4.2 How do I install the demo?

    1. Pull down the archive from one of our mirrors
    2. Go to the directory in which you would like to install the demo. Make sure that you have write permissions to the directory. (ex. cd /usr/local/games)
    3. Run the script with "sh". A new "myth2_demo" directory should have been created.
    4. To run the game, just go to the new game directory and type "./myth2_demo" (or create symbolic links, or add the myth2_demo directory to your path).

5. Installation

  • 5.1 Do I have to be logged in as root to install the game?

    No, but you do have to have write privileges to /usr/local/games (or wherever you install the game). If you want the installer to place a link in /usr/bin to make startup easier, you'll need write permissions to that directory as well.

  • 5.2 What is the difference between the three install sizes?

    Minimal Install This installs only the executables allowing you to play the game from the CD. NOTE: This may cause lag in the game on machines with slow CD drives.
    Large Install This install includes everything that is necessary to play the game but does not include the movies.
    Full Install This install is the whole shebang.

  • 5.3 The install script gives me an error that it can't find the executables.

    There is a slight bug in the install script that only affects systems using a SuSE distribution. The bug causes the script to miscalculate the path to the files when using the GUI installer. This can be worked around one of two ways.

    First, you can use the text-based installer with the following:

    1. Open an X terminal.
    2. Unset your DISPLAY environment variable. In bash, this is done with unset DISPLAY.
    3. Launch the installer with sh setup.
    Once the installer finishes, you can start Myth II by typing myth2 if the link to Myth II was placed in a directory that is in your path. (You can see what is in your path by typing echo $PATH) Otherwise you'll need to specify the location of the link.

    Or second, you can simply copy the appropriate file (myth2_x11 or myth2_glide) from the CD's bin/x86/glibc-2.1 directory to your Myth 2 installation directory.

  • 5.4 How do I install custom maps?

    A good example of a custom map is the WWII Recon plugin from Santa's Head.
    1. Download the zip file
    2. Extract it using the `unzip` command
    3. Place the map file (not the copyright message) in: /usr/local/games/myth2/plugins (if you want anyone on the machine to be able to use it) or ~/.loki/myth2/plugins (if you will be the only person using it)
    4. Fire up Myth II and select Multi-Player Game
    5. Host a game and select options to change maps
    6. Select one of the WWII Recon maps at the top of your map list, and off you go

  • 5.5 After I install the game, it won't start, and gives me a 'Segmentation Fault' error. I can't run the game at all.

    Chances are, you're running a Soundblaster Live! card with older drivers from Creative Labs. Please update your drivers from Creative's Linux sound driver page.

  • 5.6 I can't get it to install on my glibc 2.2 distribution! (RH 7.x, Mandrake 8, SuSE 7.1, Debian unstable)

    We are aware of some installation issues with Myth 2 and newer distributions. This is addressed by a downloadable installer/patcher (which will install straight from the CD, and patch up to the current version, 1.3e.) You can find this installer at

6. Updates

  • 6.1 Where can I download the update patches?

    The 1.3e patch (for x86 and PPC) and Chimera add-on are available through loki_update (

  • 6.2 What issues are addressed in the patches?

    • Added an OpenGL driver, which complements the existing X11 driver. Please note that some OpenGL implementations (i.e. Utah-GLX) don't support fog correctly, in which case it can just be disabled in the preferences dialog.
    • Added complementary support for the Chimera plugin credits.
    • Fixed 32 bpp problems.
    • Added support for gamma correction in non-Glide drivers.
    • Memory allocation fixes.
    • Cheat codes should be working again.
    • Fullscreen/windowed modes have been cleaned up ; they are now consistent and the last setting is saved for further sessions.
    • The AAlib driver for SDL is no longer included in the official binaries. If you want to use it, you will have to install the dynamic version of this patch and compile in support for AAlib in your SDL library.
    • Fixed corrupted dialog boxes in software 32 bit modes
    • The game should now start if no sound card is configured on the system.
    • The game has been changed internally to link with the newest SDL and SMPEG libraries. This provides overall better performance.
    • Framebuffer console target on Intel systems (not on PPC).
    • AAlib target (play Myth II in ASCII art!). Use it on the console, or enable it explicitly by setting the SDL_VIDEODRIVER environment variable to 'aalib'.
    • Proper CDROM detection on systems using supermount (Mandrake)
    • Much better X11 fullscreen support, and fullscreen is now enabled by default. You can switch at any time between fullscreen and windowed mode by using the Alt-Enter hotkey.
    • Support for DMA sound for cards that support it, and better ESD support. To enable DMA sound, type the following command in your shell:
            export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dma
    • If you own a 3Dfx card, we strongly recommend you to upgrade your Glide driver to the latest version, especially for Voodoo3 users. A bug present in older Glide versions was causing Myth II to crash on the second level played with the Glide driver enabled. You can get the latest Glide releases for Linux at
    • The Glide version works now with X servers set to a bit depth different than 16 bit.
    • Restarting a game in Glide mode no longer crashes.
    • The -f command-line option now works and enables fullscreen thru the XFree86 VidMode extension, which does not require root privileges. For this to work correctly, you need to have the 640x480 mode set up in your XF86Config file. DGA is not required anymore (but should still work).
    • Y2K bugfix.
    • Making the executable setuid-root now works correctly.
    • Workaround for compatibility with the SB!Live drivers. To enable this workaround, you need to set the SDL_SBLIVE_HACK environment variable to 1 (i.e. "export SDL_SBLIVE_HACK=1").
    • Fear bugfixes.
    • Fixed linking problem that prevented the Glide binary from running on SuSE 6.2 and Debian (Slink).
    • Many compatibility fixes for various window managers
    • Various networking / fixes.
    • Keyboard bugfixes. The correct key names now appear in the keybindings configuration panel.
    • Improved cut and paste support with other X11 applications.

7. Display

  • 7.1 The in-game dialogs and overlay bars are shown in funny colors, and they are in the wrong places. What can I do?

    This is a symptom of running in 32bpp with the 1.3c or 1.3d patches and using the software renderer. You can switch X to 16bpp, which will work around the issue, or you can switch to the Glide renderer (if you have a 3dfx card).

    This issue has been addressed in the 1.3e patch.

  • 7.2 Can I use the Glide renderer with XFree86 4.0.x?

    The short answer is no. The Glide renderer was written specifically for Glide 2, which is only supported under XFree86 3.3.x.

    The 1.3e patch added an OpenGL renderer, which allows 3D-accelerated cards to work under XFree86 4.0.x.

    Some users have reported success with running Myth 2 suid root, with the old libraries and the new version of X. This is primarily used with Voodoo 1 and Voodoo 2 cards, and it is an unsupported configuration.

8. Networking

  • 8.1 How do I chat in a network game?

    There are two ways to communicate in a multi-player game. You can "whisper" to your teammates, and you can "yell" to everyone in the game. To yell, press SHIFT-Y or click the "Yell" button in the lower left-hand corner. Then type your message and hit enter. To whisper, press Y or click the "Whisper" button in the lower left of the screen. Then type your message and hit enter.

  • 8.2 How do I logon to

    In order to play on, you have to first register the game. When you register, you also set up your login name and password. Once you have registered, start up Myth II. Select "Multi-Player Game" and select the option. Enter the username and password you set up when you registered. Then click "Login" and be whisked away to the battlefields of Muirthemne.

  • 8.3 I'm having difficulty registering at! Help!

    From the admins at Bungie:
    There is a workaround, of sorts, and that is to create a web only account
    at and then go modify
    it, by adding a serial number via, thus making yuour web
    account playable. It's sloppy, and there are even reports of this not
    working 100% of the time, but it's the best we've got right now.

9. Miscellaneous

10. Contact

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