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Heretic 2 FAQ
Last Updated on: 2000-09-16 01:42:54

This is where you will find useful information about Heretic 2. The following are answers to some frequently asked questions about this game. Please read these before e-mailing Loki Technical Support - Chances are your question is answered here too!

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 How to use this FAQ

    This FAQ allows you to navigate through the answers by category, or individually, or to view the entire FAQ at once. The full view is also suitable for printing.

    This FAQ is modelled on the Linux HOWTO documents for consistency and ease of navigation.

  • 1.2 Authors

    The maintainers of the FAQ can be reached by e-mailing Please send all correspondance directly related to the FAQlist tool to that address.

2. Demo

3. Installation

  • 3.1 How do I install the game?

    If you are on a recent distribution or have upgraded to glibc2.2 you will want to use our downloadable installer as discussed here.

    Otherwise you may follow these instructions:

    1. Mount the CD-ROM using the "mount" command. If you are unsure how this works, please check the documentation for your Linux distribution. Generally, the format for mounting a CD-ROM under Linux is similar to:
          mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    2. Under X11, enter the command "sh [Mounted CD-ROM Path]/". Be sure to replace the [Mounted CD-ROM Path] portion of this command with the correct path for the mounted CD-ROM. In the example above, the command would be:
          sh /mnt/cdrom/
    3. Under "Global Options":
      • Enter the directory into which the game should be installed in the Install path: box. In the box labeled "Binary directory", enter a directory in your $PATH where a symbolic link for the binary should be set up. Make sure you have write permissions in both of these directories.
    4. Under "Install Options":
      • You must install "Base Install" (the basic game files). You may choose to leave the movies on the CD. If you wish to write these MPEG files to your hard drive, click in the corresponding box.
      • Below the Install Options, the installer will display how much space is left on your partition, and how much the game will use per the options selected (270 MB just for the base install, 324M for everything).
      • Check in the box for KDE/Gnome menu items if you would like them installed.
    5. You may view the game README at this point if you wish, by clicking on "View Readme". Otherwise, click on "Begin Install" to begin the copying of files.
    6. When the game has finished installing, you may choose either to launch it directly (click on "Play!") or to simply exit and run the game from the console.
    7. To run the game generally, just type "heretic2" from the console (you shouldn't have to enter the complete path). If you chose to install desktop icons, and you are running one of the desktops, you will be able to launch the game from the installed icons.

  • 3.2 I'm running XFree86 4.0.x, is there anything special I should do during installation?

    Please do not install any of the 3D drivers that are on the Heretic 2 CD. They were compiled specifically for 3.3.6, and they will interfere with getting the game running under XFree86 4.0.x.

  • 3.3 I've just installed Heretic 2, and it keeps exiting with the error "Warning: currently only R5G6B5 mode supported".

    The default renderer for Heretic 2 is the software renderer, which only works when your X server is running at 16bpp. If you are running at 8 bpp or 24 bpp, you will see the error described, and the trace will look something like:
    Initializing VID module
    Initialize software renderer
    Setting mode x11 for device mouse
    Initialized 1024x768 16bit display
    Shutting down sound.
    Shutting down input handling
    Shutting down sound.
    Warning: currently only R5G6B5 mode supported
    Exiting Heretic II...
    recursive shutdown
    You will either need to launch your X server at 16 bpp mode (which can be done from the command-line with a command such as 'startx -- -bpp 16' for XFree86 3.3.x, or 'startx -- -depth 16' for XFree86 4.0.x), or by changing the defaults in your X configuration.

    However, you also have the option of running the game in 3D accelerated mode. To do so, follow the instructions in the README.more file on the Heretic 2 CD.

  • 3.4 I can't get it to install on my glibc 2.2-based distribution!

    We have released a downloadable installer (available from which will install the game from the Heretic 2 for Linux retail CD. This installer correctly handles more recent distributions (e.g. Mandrake 8, Red Hat 7.x, SuSe 7.x, Debian unstable, etc.), and it also patches the install to Heretic 2 1.06b during the installation.

4. Updates

5. Display

  • 5.1 How do I tell Heretic 2 which libGL to use?

    Launch Heretic 2 with the following command-line:
        heretic2 +set vid_ref glx +set gl_driver /path/to/your/preferred/
    (specifying the correct path in place of the placeholder, of course)

  • 5.2 How can I run Heretic 2 in 3D hardware-accelerated mode?

    This is described in the file README.more on the Heretic 2 CD. In short, you will need to have 3D drivers already configured for your setup (as described elsewhere in our OpenGL FAQs). You will also need to know the location of the correct, accelerated or equivalent.

    The command-line to launch the game with OpenGL acceleration is:

        heretic2 +set vid_ref glx +set gl_driver /path/to/your/preferred/
    (specifying the correct path in place of the placeholder, of course)

    You may also specify a video mode, by adding '+set vid_mode X' to the end of the command-line, with X being a number from this table:

          0           320 x  240
          1           400 x  300
          2           512 x  384
          3           640 x  480
          4           800 x  600
          5           960 x  720
          6          1024 x  768
          7          1280 x 1024
          8          1600 x 1200
    Not all 3D cards support all resolutions.

    Please consult README.more for more detail.

  • 5.3 Why is the game running very, very slowly, and the mouse is very choppy, when running with hardware acceleration?

    You are probably running the game using software GL rendering (which is distinct from the built-in software renderer). You must have your 3D card configured for hardware accelerated rendering. Updated information on supported 3D cards and drivers is available at: 3ddriverandopenglassistfaq.html

  • 5.4 Why does the mouse cursor disappear in the menus? Is something wrong with my installation?

    Nothing is wrong with your installation. The game does not support using the mouse in the menu, you will need to use the arrow keys to navigate, and the ENTER key to select your option.

    This is identical behavior to the Windows version of the game, and it is not expected to change.

6. Contact

Support inquries should be addressed to
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